m. Georgina Crabb
- Hyrum Jr.
- Alberta
- Lawrence
- Ivy
- Lester
m. Laura Berry
- Ethyl (Birdie)
- Lora Denver
- Tyler Hyrum
Hyrum B. Barton was born at St. Helens, Lancashire, England, June 13, 1852, a son of John and Elizabeth Bell Barton. He was the youngest boy of a family seven boys and
two girls, consisting of: twin boys, William B. and James B. , born July 21, 1836, Elizabeth, born November 30,
1838 and died September 6, 1839, John Barton, born November 24, 1840, Isaac Barton born December 11, 1842, Peter Barton born March 21,
1845, Joseph Barton born July 25, 1848, Hyrum born June 13, 1852, and Bertha born February 23, 1855.
Hyrum was injured by a fall down a stairway when he was very young, causing one leg to be permanently crippled and he had to wear a
specially built shoe throughout his life. When he was ten years old, he came with his parents and two older brothers, Peter and Joseph, a sister,
Bertha, and a cousin, Eliza Barton, to America. They left St. Helens in a cart on 3 May 1862 and sailed from Liverpool 5 May 1862, crossing the
Atlantic on the sailing vessel "Manchester". The four older brothers had previously emigrated to America. William, James and John came in
1860 and Isaac came in 1861.
They crossed the Plains between Council Bluffs and Salt Lake City, over 1000 miles, in Ansell P. Harmon's ox train company. Peter, who was
then seventeen, drove a wild yoke of oxen and walked the entire distance. They arrived in Salt Lake on 5 October 1862 and moved to Kaysville
in the autumn of that year. They lived for a time in an adobe building west of town and later the family built the first brick house in Kaysville
which is still standing.
As a young man, Hyrum attended the University of Utah, and after graduation he taught school for a number of years in the 21st Ward. During this
time he met and married Georgina Calder Crabb, a neice of David
O. Calder, and to them were born the following children: Hyrum Jr., Alberta, Lawrence, Ivy and Lester.
He acquired property on the north bench near where the State Capitol now stands. He was a great lover of livestock and owned some of the
finest riding and driving horses in the city. He also developed a small herd of dairy cattle and delivered milk to the residents of that area.
He also studied Medicine and became quite well-known for his talents and skill as a family doctor. However, this profession was not so
profitable as it is today and in many instances he received nothing for his services. He made many trips throughout Salt Lake and Davis County
in cold, stormy weather with a horse and buggy and on some occasions received a piece of pork or a bag of potatoes, but many times nothing and
very little cash which was a scarce item at that time. About 1885 he married Laura Berry and to them were born three children, Ethel (Birdie),
Lora Denver and Tyler Hyrum.
He later became associated with his brother, Isaac, in the clothing business at 66 Main Street. The store became one of the best known clothing
stores in the City. The writer recalls an instance that happened about 1900 when Father had driven his horse and two-seated surrey to the store,
tied the horse in front and had gone into the store, leaving my older sister and myself sitting in the rear seat. We heard a commotion and looked to see what was probably the first automobile to be seen in the City, coming down the street to get a closer look. There were two men in the
contraption and just as they came opposite us they veered toward us and hit the rear wheel, breaking it and almost upsetting the surrey. Sister ran
into the store to tell Daddy, who came running out just in time to see it turn east at about 2nd South. I think this may have been the first "hit and
run" accident involving an automobile on record in Salt Lake City.
About a year later than this, some of his cattle strayed and were driven to the estray pound. When Father was notified, he hurriedly drove to the
pound, taking me with him. Just as he drove into the yard and stopped the horse, he slumped in the seat and with the slightest groan, passed away
with a heart attack. This happened 26 September 1901.
(Probably written by Tyler Barton)